Monday, September 12, 2011

More Science FUN!

So my homeschool resolution this year was to do each and every science experiment since that is my GREATEST downfall as a homeschooling mama.  Well, since I am human and have several great downfalls, so it might not be my greatest, but it was bugging me.  So we are doing each and every one.  AND~ I love it, the kids love it, and I am think it is making a huge change in retention and understanding.  (I can hear you saying "Well, duh! Of course doing the experiments help them to learn."  I know, I know....)

This week we are learning about the nervous systems.  I am so stoked!  I love it!  I took some photos of the brain models the boys made.  They can even tell you what the parts do.  I might even pat myself on the back.


  1. I think this experiment would have even helped me in college! What an awesome and kid friendly way to learn! Way to go, Mama!

  2. Looks like they are having fun learning.
