These are comprised of sugars that have an effect on your glycemic index. Most of these we are all familar with for the most part. This is just a look at a few of the "real" sugars.
Sugar from
Sucanat and Rapurda...
cane juice is mechanically extracted, then heated and cooled until tiny brown
crystals form. The brown comes from the 13% molasses content. It contains less sucrose than table sugar (88
percent and 99 percent, respectively).
Sugar and Evaporated
Cane Juice
essentially a finer, lighter-colored version of Turbinado sugar. Still less
refined than table sugar, it also contains some trace nutrients (that
regular sugar does not), including vitamin B2. In Europe, it’s known as
“unrefined sugar
Maple Syrup
syrup can be a wonderful addition to your diet and baking. It has recently been discovered to contain
many nutrients that are beneficial to humans.
It contains over 54 antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and
phenolics (which inhibit the enzymes that are involved in conversion of carbs
to sugar.) Maple syrup contains manganese,
which helps repair muscle and cell damage.
It also contains calcium, zinc, potassium, and iron. It may settle digestion issues that arise
when consuming baked goods normally made with sugar. Keep
in mind it is still a sugar….
Date sugar is actually dehydrated
dates which are ground into small pieces. Dates are a wonderful whole
food. They have NO cholesterol, are high in fiber (who
doesn't need more fiber, right?) and contain nutrients like Manganese, Copper,
Iron, Zinc, Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium (32 mg per
serving!!!). They are great pre and post workout too. Other
important things they contain are vitamins such at A1, B1, B2, B3, B5, and C.
There are also over 20 different amino acids which our bodies need. Amino
acids to things like regulate blood sugar, help with digestion/assimilation of
carbs, and regulate fatty acids. They have a great sugary, brown sugar
Syrup is a frequently used sugar substitute that is derived from the Blue Agave
plant. It is often used because it is “low glycemic" and that is true, it has a
extremely high concentration of fructose.
It is 90% fructose to 10% glucose.
Compare that to table sugar which is 50%/50% or honey which is
55%/45%. Why FRUCTOSE is so harmful:
look at fructose vs. glucose. Fructose is
broken down by the liver ONLY, while glucose can be metabolized by any cell in
the human body. Fructose will raise
triglycerides. Fructose can contribute
to type II diabetes because it reduces the sensitivity of insulin
receptors. Uric acid is found in high
amounts in Fructose, increasing blood pressure.
Fructose can affect your leptin levels, which basically helps you to
recognize when you are full.
monosaccharide occurring as a white, crystalline powder; colorless and sweet. Mostly derived from Corn in the United
States. It may be considered safe for
people with FODMAP or fructose intolerance/malabsorption. (GI of 100)
Click to read:
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
***As a reminder, I am not a doctor, dietitian or nutritionist. However, I did have a nutritionist look it over for accuracy. Always consult with a medical professional before changing or modifying your diet
Click to read:
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
***As a reminder, I am not a doctor, dietitian or nutritionist. However, I did have a nutritionist look it over for accuracy. Always consult with a medical professional before changing or modifying your diet
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