Friday, April 8, 2011

Kitchen remodel begins

I think most people get excited about a kitchen remodel.  I have been dreading it.  We have been putting this off for quite a few years.  Problems began when my mom stripped our wallpaper off the walls (we were on vacation) and tore the sheet rock.  Even though there is torn sheet rock , it was a labor of love taking off the wallpaper, and we appreciate it.

Then little by little, things began to break.  The hinges were all breaking on the cabinet doors.  We could not find replacements for them.  Then the sliders on the drawers and pullout shelves began to go.  My genius and resourceful husband used things like hockey pucks, duck tape, and clamps to keep them going.  Once I very badly pinched my finger as a drawer fell off its track.  Lost my finger nail in the process.  We had a few drawer fronts fall off and were not fixable.  Slowly, all the tiles on the floor began to crack.  Little slivers were coming off.  I cut my foot one day and it was a bad slice.

See the doors above the fridge? 
No hinges to hold them on. 
See the empty drawer? 
That is the one that took off my finger nail.

The rugs are covering the missing tile. 
Again, more broken drawers.

The final straw was when our ancient dishwasher (which we could no longer attach to the countertops because the countertops were also falling apart) leaked.  The floor buckled and all the tile finally came loose.  Fun.  The person who put the tile down had used particle board as the backer board.  Please note people: DO NOT put particle board under tile or use as a subfloor.  Moisture makes it buckle.

It was obvious.  We had no option.  Our kitchen was falling apart and had become somewhat dangerous.  Our boys even knew there were some drawers they shouldn't open (to avoid a badly pinched finger).

Now, I am not a vain person, but my kitchen in all its glory was a tad embarrassing.  We had put it off for a long time.  Being a single income family and with two of our children having multiple food allergies and some health issues, we didn't really have the spare change to go ahead and remodel.  This has been a very frugal remodel and we have really shopped around to get the best prices.  We are reusing what we can.

The most important thing is: God has provided.  Some how we are able to pay for it.  I want this to be a testimony to God's goodness.

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